In an era of online marketing there has been a physical distance created between the producer and the consumer. A retail outlet may minimize this distance to a certain extent however it is limited to restriction of location of retail shop, marketing activities, social network for organic customer acquisition and maintenance of stock.
We as an organization understand the challenges an entrepreneur, an artisan or a start-up faces in this competitive environment where the power of leadership arousing from the production is replaced by a leadership arousing from the success of marketing and advertising works.

Hence, NEWEA has been conducting commercial expertise exhibitions over the last few years that provides important advantages and supports entrepreneurs and established businesses to create a different place and value in the minds of consumers. The exhibition’s having a specific subject gives the participant an opportunity to catch the “related demand” in the shortest time and in the most efficient way.
People new to an industry often use our exhibitions to familiarize themselves with related network and their products. Our exhibitions provide face-to-face customer contact, which is the best way to build on relationships and form new ones with potential customers.
We offer free spaces for BPL category and for interstate participation to maximize the benefits to women entrepreneurs of the entity of North East India.
Our exhibitions is the culmination point for some of our activities like design and technological support, skill development, vocational training, distribution of tools and machinery, creation of self-help groups and employment generation etc.